Friday, March 04, 2005


I've almost finished Emma Bull's "Finder," which is where I got my blogging name. I have only the last couple pages to go. My dad has been reading it aloud at night to me, so I have to wait till tonight to finish. You should all read Finder because it is an awesome mystery book. If you do, be prepared, you will cry. I can't say too much here because it would ruin the book for you, but I spent about an hour crying.
That is not warn you away from the book. It is to show you what a magnificent author Emma Bull is. She also wrote "War for the Oaks," which is just as good, and you should also read, and won't make you cry. I'm not sure what else she wrote, but I plan to find out.
I used the name Tick-Tick as my signature because it is a cool name, but also because it is the name of one of my favorite characters in the book. The character Tick-Tick is an elf. She is funny, and has a gift for mechanics. She is a side-character, the best friend of Orient, the main character.


At 9:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried when I wrote that part, too. In fact, I cry if I re-read it. How funny is that?

I'm so glad you liked the book, and I love it that you're using Tick-Tick for your blogger name. What a compliment! Thank you, and tell your dad thanks for reading it to you, okay?

Emma Bull

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, i'm readingyour blog


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