Sunday, April 17, 2005


So far today I've gone on two bike rides. The first was with a friend and her family. We had lunch at Carberry's, and I tried a new type of sandwich that was pretty good, if very strong. But that bike ride was rushed because we had to make it in about 40 minutes in order to get back in time to meet with my math and writing tutor. It also wasn't very long because lunch took awhile.
Then I went biking while my family roller bladed, and we went farther, but I had to go slow because bikes are faster than blades.
In short, two fun bike rides that could have been more so.

There is a "Rhymes with Orange" comic that has "The Reasons we Ride," or something like that.
The old man's thought bubble says "Fitness," the young man's is "The Environment," the teenager's is "Independence," and the little kid has a thought bubble that says...

When you think about it, on a fast moving bike, the wind really is part of the exhilarating experience. So even though the comic is funny, it's more than just little kids who think of wind as a good thing that you get when riding a bike.


At 8:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's interesting, I like biking because of the air too. I also think that it's because you are getting excercise, you can go anywhere (therefore you have very much independence) and you are treating the environment quite nicely (although it would be bettter if one didn't bike on a road that canme into being because someone 'paved paridise' (excuse my song reference, I'm weird) or if one simply walked where one needed to go, but then we wouldn't go very far, would we? Anyway, I <3 biking too, I went on monday I think, and i biked a long way, and I'm even tired today. In my theory it should be easy to getn from place to place by bike instead of car, like having bike lanes in busy city streets and paths that go more than north to west or southeast to northwest or west to east, or you get what I'm saying. That was a long comment. i think i shall stop now, or I will write a REALLY long comment.

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Tick-Tick said...

It would be great if biking were our main transportation. And it would save parking space to [G].

But what if you needed to carry a lot of stuff? Or you were going a really long way? Mom and I came up with this hypothetical system where there are public cars parked all around the edges of a town, so if you're goin' a long way, you just take one of those, and park it outside whatever town is you're final destination.

At 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha! the car thing is like that car commercial where they keep throwing the keys around once they're done! That is a good Idea, but nto everyone runs on the honor system, so eventually after cars being stolen daily we'd all have to get our own cars again. besides, most kids have backpacks and those with instruments or sports equipment would have to take a car every day with their parents, and that wouldn't save energy. I think that if we spent less money on cars, though, then we would have enough money for textbooks at school and possibly even instruments and sports equipment. that's a dream though, because our town will never be rich enough to even have textbooks for every kid in the class to take home every night. :( I dislike textbooks greatly.


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