Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Should be doing.... am doing.... and will be doing.

Should be doing: my 'effin English homework. Am doing: Well, besides making blog entries I'm daydreaming, pondering the mysteries of life, and generally mildewing (wait..... mysteries of life cause mildew? ..... deep). Will be doing: working on the previously mentioned adventure serial.

I'll add one. Could be doing: practicing oboe, doing my vocal exercises, running my lines for Much Ado, letting wondrous creativity meld me with the universe (a.k.a. freewrite or poetry or paint or any other Bohemian activity). Also could be doing: practicing piano, doing the homework from drama, cleaning the disaster area referred to as my room.... any number of things. And you know what I say to that? Too bad.


At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Such a wonderful set of creative possibilities.

But mildewing tops them all. I think i'll follow your example and go fester damply for a while.


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