Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Bulletin Boards and Photos

When I made the lists to stick on my bulletin board, I ended up rearranging the entire board. I have one side devoted mainly to utility, and the other side is full of pretty things. But I do have a comic strip and a poem on the utility side, because they didn't fit on the pretty side. The pretty side is divided in half again. Two thirds and one third, actually. That's where the ribbon cuts across, so that is where divides. The bottom part is a photo gallery/album. One or two of me, one or two of Alexandra, two of my mom, a couple with friends in them. I don't have a single picture of dad. I need to find some. Then I need to make room in the photo gallery for them. *sigh*. The top half (two thirds) has cards with pretty pictures, a magazine clipping of some yaks, a dream-catcher, a glass fish, and two fans. If I cut out more magazine clippings, I'll put them all just up on the wall, and move the yaks one too. I probably should do that, it's really over-crowded.
Alexandra's pictures are all silly. She makes faces and says they are not very flattering, but she acts silly whenever I try to take a picture. She says she hates having her picture taken. It's very aggravating. I also tried to get some of dad, but they didn't come out so well. The cat is extremely photogenic, but doesn't move into different positions. So I shot a bunch of pictures of myself. Not for those with fragile self esteem. I actually managed to get myself framed properly in a lot of them, but I look even worse than I do when someone else takes my picture. Finally I had a system where I would make my expressions sideways into a mirror while holding the camera straight in front of me. So I am looking sideways in a lot of them. All this made me lose track of time, so I was very late for my voice lesson.


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