Monday, January 01, 2007

Pet the Progress

Hi people. I'm happy because I am breaking ground in English. I've submitted some of the Honors assignments online to see what comes of them. The first test is completed, but not submitted, and I've started on the second test..... and happy progress! Pet the progress! Invite the progress in and adopt it.

How would it be to adopt a progress? Is it like a puppy, or a porcupine? I think like a cat. Warm and fuzzy and with soft purs, but can scratch your eyes out if it chooses.


At 11:30 PM, Blogger Jarne said...

We're only going to let you keep the progress if you promise to clean up after it, take it for walks and feed it the occasional progress report.

At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, yer like writing a lot of entries, here, dude! Good'n on you! Garn!


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the porcupine. It's quiet, clever, does its job; it can be befriended and petted but only in the right direction. Threaten or mistreat it and ow! ow! ow!
No progress! Angst! Miserable non-accomplishment! Grumbling and Complaining and Stomping around. Fighting and Snarling!
Until you give up, treat it right, and become friends again.


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