Monday, April 30, 2007

Retro, cheesy sf adventure serial

I mentioned that I want to do this a while ago.

You can decide whether the following is actually the way my creative process (at least for this) works. Comes from Shakespeare in Love. Basically assigning random numbers and values.

Okay, there will be a Galactic Overlord.

How many main characters: 3

Placement within the rebellion at start of story arc: "Blackmarket" mail carriers

Main Character #1
Gender Male
Age 20
Name Caith CravattaKaran
Planet of Origin Born on Titan, Lived there a year

Main Character #2
Gender Female
Age 18
Relation to Main Character #1 Half-sister and work partner
Name Anika ZetroKaran
Planet of Origin Born on board a ship

Main Character #3
Gender Male
Age 17
Relation to Main Character #1 Not yet met, Caith to save his life
Relation to Main Character #2 Not yet met
Name Logan GrattonRinero
Planet of Origin Cernunnos, Orbiting Upsilon Andromedae

Sample of what, again, you may conclude is or is not my creative thought process for this. First episode to come within the week

Sunday, April 29, 2007


A while ago Jeff and I were having a discussion about music and how it creates such a powerful emotional response. We could not come up with any theories whatsoever as to why it has such emotional potential.

Ta-ra!~ Theory girl cometh!

I hypothesize, and plan to look into at some point, not tonight cause it's late - that hearing is one of our first senses. Actually it probably is our fourth sense, nyah, but smell isn't very strong and taste is very specific. So, I think that music, at least in some cases, taps into very early memories, ones that we don't remember consiously, but are embedded in our subconsious. For example, I think when we hear a rythm that sounds like our mother's heart beat when we were in the womb, we get soothed, comforted, relaxed. We feel safe.

Comments, any one?


Miracles: I've had an amazing prayer healing tonight. It's a miracle, and there really isn't any other way to describe it. I always thought "It's a Miracle!" was an exclamation, something you shouted with your arms raised, but it's not. It's a statement. A statement of fact. This is a miracle. This is what a miracle is. I have just felt a miracle, experienced a miracle, seen a miracle. It's pointing at something and describing, no defining it. That is a miracle.

Miracles, Rythm, and Emotional Music

Coming up soon -don't miss Miracle at 11:30, or our special on Rythm and Emotional Music at 11:45 tonight.

They are all connected.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Room Redo

I'm going to be redoing my room. This is inspired by several things -, the flylady stuff that I sort of tried and failed with, the fact that I just want to, the fact that I will be painting it soon and what better opportunity, and the fact that it will be good practice for living in New York in a one-room apartment. Jah.

I redo my room once a year or so, when I just get bored with the way it is. This time I will do something different than usual. I'm going to plan it. So, what are some basic things I want happening? Well, bed goes by window. Computer should be near bed. And for years I've been talking about moving the bookshelves.
In the past I've had themes, or focuses. Like the time I put everything remotely movable at a crazy angle. I'll think about this one.

Now I must go rock-climb.
Bye. (hopefully not for 3 months)

Yah, new post

And this time it's been two months. Ta-ra. But I'm back.