Pitter- patter, pitter-patter. I've just got in from a rain walk. I, unlike most people, adore the rain. It's so soft and pretty. I can't understand why so many people dislike it. It makes the world so peaceful. I actually hear chirping birds
more often when it's raining. I'm glad we got rain, instead of the snow that was predicted.
I just heard something that sounded like an owl, coming from my open window!
Just three hoots, if that's what they were. I doubt it is, 'cause owls hoot at night, but it sure sounded pretty.
The rain is one of the many, many reasons I love homeschooling. If I wake up and it's raining, I can stay in bed and read, and slow down a little. When I went to school, I was rushing to get out the door, and couldn't enjoy it. Now I can.
I find the rain inspiring. I can write more easily, draw more easily when it's raining,
if I can force myself to come inside, which I have an awfully hard time doing. I love to sit out on my porch with a blanket, and maybe hot chocolate, or a snack, and read, or just watch the rain fall.
If you do not like the rain, please do not mention it in your comment. It will invade my happy space. Thank you.