Tuesday, March 22, 2005


I have been experimenting, and have come up with a recipe for a snack or desert.

Mix two parts cinnamon to five parts sugar.
Melt some butter. Put the cinnamon sugar in the butter.
Put almonds in water - heat in microwave.
Peel almonds
Dump the almonds in the cinnamon sugar/butter mix.
Put them on a toaster oven tray and toast them on "Light."
Take everything off the tray since the butter will have melted comepletley and pooled. Mix it up again. Toast on medium.
Wait for them to cool.

Don't Nag!

Sorry everyone for not updating in so long. Now stop nagging me.

And just for the record, I did say at the beggining that I probably wouldn't update all that often.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Soft, Lovely Rain

Pitter- patter, pitter-patter. I've just got in from a rain walk. I, unlike most people, adore the rain. It's so soft and pretty. I can't understand why so many people dislike it. It makes the world so peaceful. I actually hear chirping birds more often when it's raining. I'm glad we got rain, instead of the snow that was predicted.

I just heard something that sounded like an owl, coming from my open window!
Just three hoots, if that's what they were. I doubt it is, 'cause owls hoot at night, but it sure sounded pretty.

The rain is one of the many, many reasons I love homeschooling. If I wake up and it's raining, I can stay in bed and read, and slow down a little. When I went to school, I was rushing to get out the door, and couldn't enjoy it. Now I can.

I find the rain inspiring. I can write more easily, draw more easily when it's raining, if I can force myself to come inside, which I have an awfully hard time doing. I love to sit out on my porch with a blanket, and maybe hot chocolate, or a snack, and read, or just watch the rain fall.

If you do not like the rain, please do not mention it in your comment. It will invade my happy space. Thank you.

Monday, March 07, 2005


Last night, my sister placed second in her weight class in an all girls wrestling tournament in New Jersey. She won three matches and lost one.
I was not actually there for this amazing event because I was busy and it was a million hour drive, but I heard a lot about it, and there are pictures of her at www.starrigger.blogspot.com
Wrestling is a really fun sport, and I fully plan to join the team when I hit high school.

Friday, March 04, 2005


I've almost finished Emma Bull's "Finder," which is where I got my blogging name. I have only the last couple pages to go. My dad has been reading it aloud at night to me, so I have to wait till tonight to finish. You should all read Finder because it is an awesome mystery book. If you do, be prepared, you will cry. I can't say too much here because it would ruin the book for you, but I spent about an hour crying.
That is not warn you away from the book. It is to show you what a magnificent author Emma Bull is. She also wrote "War for the Oaks," which is just as good, and you should also read, and won't make you cry. I'm not sure what else she wrote, but I plan to find out.
I used the name Tick-Tick as my signature because it is a cool name, but also because it is the name of one of my favorite characters in the book. The character Tick-Tick is an elf. She is funny, and has a gift for mechanics. She is a side-character, the best friend of Orient, the main character.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Wide World.

Hello, hello, hello. Opening round has just begun. I can't tell you how odd it is to be writing a sort of diary that anyone with a computer can read. Firstly I would like to say that I am the sort of person who updates in spurts, so don't expect a clockwork, every day a new entry sort of blog.

Snow is very awesome, but I can't wait until the end of winter when all of this snow will melt, because I have been planning for ages to go to the meadow and start working to clean it up with family and friends. Just when I thought that I could finally begin, a whole new load of snow falls. Grrr... People, please pick up your trash. It's not that hard.

Tommorow I have my audition for the play "Midsummer Night's Dream". I'm reeally hoping to get the part of Puck. I memorized one of his little speeches for my audition. Arlington Children's Theatre rocks because anyone who auditions gets in. You only audition to find out what part you get.

I just finished my third draft of a short story about dragons, which I doubt will ever be read by anyone but family, but hey, it gives me satisfaction. I also recently finished the first chapter of a science fiction story that I hope someday, somehow, will get published.

One more thing. I need advice from all you Jewish people out there. A friend is having a bat mitzvah, and I have no idea what to give her. I can't give her jewelry, because of her allergies. Help!